Periodically various Veteran Service Organizations issue "Calls to Action" to their members, urging them to call or write their Congressional Representatives. When received, they will be posted here for your information and action as appropriate.
Apr 15: Subject: Urge Congress to Pass the Retired Pay Restoration Act
Background: Military retirees with a service-connected disability rating below 50 percent have their retirement pay reduced, dollar for dollar, by the amount of disability compensation they receive. This demeaning tax, created by Congress to save money, forces those who have dedicated their careers to military service to make do without the benefits they need to provide for their families. Take Action: Contact your members of Congress and urge them to cosponsor the Retired Pay Restoration Act. Our nation is still at war. We must ensure that benefits earned through honorable service to this country are improved, not eroded.
Nov 29:
Contact your Senator NOW and ask them to please support H.R. 299 Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2018 | |
Vietnam Veterans of America - Legislative Alert November 29, 2018 Congress is very close to finally passing Blue Water Navy legislation, but that effort will fail unless the Senate acts in the next two weeks. For over a decade, Vietnam Veterans of America has sought legislation to restore presumptive Agent Orange exposure status to members of the Armed Forces who served in the territorial waters of Vietnam. H.R. 299, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2018, passed the House by a vote of 382-0 on June 25, 2018. When the bill is enacted into law, “Blue Water” veterans who served off the coast of Vietnam, veterans who served near the demilitarized zone in Korea, and certain veterans who served in Thailand will again be eligible for compensation for service-connected, disabilities related to their exposure to Agent Orange. VVA believes Congress should recognize that these veterans were exposed to Agent Orange and should authorize presumptive status for VA disability claims associated with this exposure. Now is the time to contact your Senators to ask them to support this bill. Take Action to enter your zip code, and send the prepared letters to your Senator requesting that Senator Isakson, Chair, Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, move H.R. 299, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2018, out of committee and on to the Senate floor for a vote and passage. Please follow up your letter with a call to the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senator. These veterans are aging, and the time to help them is now! |