
Mary Ellen Piotrowski Post 94



If you want to become a Post 94 Sponsor, please select the below button. You will be taken to a separate page to complete your transaction. 

Become a Post 94 Sponsor here. 

$50 sponsors have their name and address listed in our monthly MailCall newsletter sent to 390+ members and shown on this webpage. $100 or more sponsors have their name, address, and business logo/card included in our monthly MailCall newsletter sent to 390+ members, shown on this webpage, and printed on all Post 94 Event materials. 


Sponsorships run for one calendar year from the date the payment is processed.


If you prefer to pay by check, make the check out to "The American Legion Post 94" and mail it to The American Legion Post 94, ATTN: Finance Officer, PO Box 5447, Sun City West, AZ 85376.  Include your name, address, and business logo or business card.