
Mary Ellen Piotrowski Post 94


Post History

On January 22nd, 1982, a group of 15 veterans met and applied for and were granted a charter for a Post in the American Legion. The decision to organize an American Legion Post resulted from the conclusion of these Veterans that the American Legion was the representative Veterans' organization in this country.

The Fifteen Charter Members signing were:  Charles R. Bainbridge; Harold E. Day, Jr.; Alvin M. Driscoll; Leonard J. Gacioh, Ray G. Gelling, Sr.; Milton J. Goldwasser; John M. Kellerhouse; James G. Lawless; Cecil Lynn, Jr.; Vivian K. Schoener; Oliver J. Thomsen; Josephine Giles; Stanley Scott; Robert D. Giles; Carl H. Leonard.

 That conclusion has been proven true as today the American Legion is the largest wartime Veterans' organization with nearly 15,000 local Posts throughout America and over 3 million members who care about America, Veterans, their families and our nation's youth.

In spite of the population of Sun City West, there was no veterans’ organization in the community.  Past Department Commander, Jim Murphy, Jr. arranged a luncheon meeting on the 22nd of January 1982 for veterans and a temporary charter was signed. An election of temporary officers was held and Jim Lawless was chosen Commander. Andy Van Boeyer served as temporary Adjutant and it was agreed that next meeting would be on February 4, 1982.

A committee was formed to name the Post and named "American Legion Sun City West Post 94”.  Twenty candidates were taken into the Post.  They were presented with official blue and gold lapel pins. Officiating at the initiation were Robert Granger, Vice Commander, Department of Arizona; James Kirk, commander, District 11, and Charles Holtz, Post 29.

Permanent organization was affected on March 4, 1982. The first officers of American Legion Post were: Commander: Mr. Henry Zedd; Senior Vice Commander, Andrew Naymik; Junior Vice Commander: Vivian Schoener; Adjutant: Alvin T. Manion; and Finance Officer: Cecil S. Lynn; Sergeant at Arms: Leonard J. Gacioh; Chaplain: Harold E. Day, Jr.; Historian: Oliver J. Thomsen and Service Officer: Rudolph Stobierski.

On September 2nd, 1982, the Post received its permanent charter from Julian Santos, American Legion Commander for Arizona.

Learn more about the Post history.