
Mary Ellen Piotrowski Post 94



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Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibilty dates. Can I join the Auxiliary of The American Legion?

A: If your relative who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary of The American Legion.

However, if the qualifying Veteran is deceased you may join the appropriate organization, even if the qualifying Veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.



At a recent Post Membership Meeting, there was discussion about why our Post does not have an Auxiliary Unit. I was able to say a few words about the fact that when I became Post Commander, the Unit folded due to lack of members. At various times since then, Post Commanders have tried to re-establish our Unit to no avail. We will try once again so please do share this article with your spouse, and others you know who meet the eligibility requirements, as indicated below. Please take the time to review the Membership Eligibility below and if interested, please do send me an email: at bergergerry@hotmail.com letting me know of your sincere interest.
The following information is taken directly from the American Legion Auxiliary website: https://www.legion-aux.org/about/mission
Our Mission
In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.
Who We Are
We are the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Some of us are veterans ourselveOur Impact
We are one of the nation’s most prominent supporters of veterans, military, and their families. We help to advance the mission of The American Legion. From helping to draft the GI Bill in 1944 to advocating for veterans on Capitol Hill, the nonpartisan American Legion Family is instrumental in advancing legislation that improves the quality of life for our nation’s veterans and servicemembers.
Eligibility Requirements for ALA Membership
Membership in The American Legion Auxiliary shall be limited to the: (1) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion; and (2) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who served in either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918 and any time after December 7, 1941 who, being a citizen of the United States at the time of their entry therein served on active duty in the Armed Forces of any of the governments associated with the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge; (3) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who were in the Armed Forces of the United States during either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918; and any time after December 7, 1941 who served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge; and (4) to those women who of their own right are eligible for membership in The American Legion.* * A woman who is eligible for American Legion membership is eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary regardless of whether or not she is a member of The American Legion. However, eligibility of her female relatives (sister, mother, direct descendants) and/or spouse depends upon her membership in The American Legion.
Vision Statement The vision of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion while becoming the premier service organization and foundation of every community providing support for our veterans, our military, and their families by shaping a positive future in an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security.
As you review the various portions on the Auxiliary website, keep in mind the opportunity to make a positive difference in our local communities as well as the impact on other veterans and their families.

Gerry Berger, Past Post Commander 2013-2018
Aspire to Inspire before you Expire